Park Etiquette

We are pleased to have you as our guest. So that all of our guests enjoy and have a safe stay please observe the following etiquette:

REGISTRATION – All campers & visitors MUST register at the office prior to occupancy of campsite. Check In is 1 p.m. and check out is 12 p.m. unless other arrangements are made. Sorry, no refunds for early departures.

SITE OCCUPANCY – is limited to one tow vehicle and one sleeping vehicle or tent per site, 4 people with a max of 6. There is a fee for extra vehicles/people.

MOTORCYCLES OR MOTORBIKES – may not be ridden around the park.

TRASH Pick up any trash immediately as it may end up in the stream or pond or the animals may get to it.

QUIET HOURS – This is a family park and our Quiet Time starts at 10 p.m.. At ALL TIMES, please be courteous to other campers by keeping any sounds INSIDE your campsite: no loud music or generators at any time and no loud conversation before 8 a.m. or after 10 p.m.. If adjacent guests can hear you, especially during quiet hours, you are being too loud. Everyone should be able to have their own experience and your neighbors may want peace and quiet or may want to hear their own music. You may want to hear your own music or have peace and quiet and not want to hear your neighbors either.

CHILD SUPERVISION – Parental supervision is mandatory when your child is around the playground, pond area or swimming pool. Parents are responsible for their children’s actions, behavior & safety. All children & teenagers are required to be in their campsite by 10 p.m..

SWIMMING POOL – hours are 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., NO LIFEGUARD. Children under 14 years old not allowed in the pool area without a parent.

CAMPFIRES – are only allowed in authorized containers which are available at the office. Always keep your campfire low, with flames no more than a few inches over the top of the barrel. DO NOT LEAVE FIRE UNATTENDED! Put it out when you go to bed. Do not leave children unattended near your fire. Remember, the next day embers can still cause severe burns. Only firewood purchased onsite can be burned onsite. No outside wood is allowed in our park but firewood is for sale at the store. This is to protect our Oaks from infestation. Wood gathering is not permitted in the park or on neighboring property. During hot, dry and/or windy days campfires might not be allowed. Please check with office daily.

FIREARMS – Not allowed. Fireworks not allowed. Paintball guns not allowed.

TREES & TABLES – Please don’t pound nails in or carve on any of our trees or tables. Please don’t set your barbecue on the table when in use.

REPAIRS – No automotive repairs are allowed in the park.

DOGS – must be on leash at all times. When you leave your site, please put your dog in your trailer or take with you. Dogs left outside on a leash tend to bark at all strangers. Most importantly, please pick up all your dog poop immediately. Other guests don’t need to smell, let alone step in, your dog’s poop.

TRAILERS/RV’S – no discharging of septic tank or gray water onto the ground or creek. Parties failing to comply may be evicted without refund. Please level RV’s with blocks and do not dig holes. No tents allowed in RV sites.

WE ARE ON SEPTIC – Please do not flush anything other than human waste and toilet paper down your RV’s or our toilets. No, wipes, paper towels, tampons or anything else can go down the toilet please. A stopped up toilet will ruin the entire campground’s experience so please be mindful. Please do not put wipes of any kind, Pine-Sol, Aqua Kem, Dry Kem, TKO Original, Thetford Blackwater Odor Control, Thetford Tissue digester, TST or T-5 into our sewer. These products (formaldehyde based) are very destructive to our septic system. and my cause your hookup to back up into your unit or onto your site.


  • Due to Covid19, please observe posted protocols and CA laws on social distancing.
  • Drones not allowed
  • Goat Meadow and Coyote Country are water-only sites. Please do not allow any of your group to plug in anywhere, even if you see an outlet. There are permanent residents who live adjacent to the camping area and THEY have to pay for their own electricity. Plugging into any outlet is considered theft.
  • Please do not allow any of your group to trespass into the private home or other guests’ areas. It is very obvious where the boundaries of these areas are.
  • We ask that you please bag all of your trash and pick up the grounds before leaving. Our grounds keepers are not there to pick up people’s messes but only to empty the garbage cans and pick up the few things patrons may have dropped by accident.
  • The pond needs to be kept clean as well. No littering the pond please. Anyone caught littering will immediately be asked to leave the premises.
  • Please respect the animals. Abuse will not be tolerated and anyone caught abusing the animals will immediately be asked to leave the premises.
  • Please obey all traffic signs which include speed limits (no faster than walking speed) and one-way signs. The roads in the park are generally all one way.
  • The pool is for the entire park and the capacity is 20 people in the pool, no more. Please be mindful of the fact that if 20 of your group are in the pool, nobody else in the park can enjoy it. Please be courteous.
  • No glass allowed around the pool.
  • The bathrooms have the capacity for 7 people including 2 people in the showers. Please wait outside the bathrooms for someone to leave prior to entering if there are already 7 people inside.
  • Please remove anything brought into the bathrooms when you leave the bathrooms. Nothing is to be left in the showers. For example, soap, shampoo bottles etc…
  • Please have anyone pick up any towels or toilet paper that they may have dropped on the bathroom floor. Do not leave dropped items for staff to clean up. This is extra work and will be charged for.
  • Please make sure that anyone in your group cleans up after themselves wherever they go to ensure that every guest in the park has the same clean experience. The park personnel obviously clean the bathrooms often and regularly but it becomes impossible to pick up after each person in time for the next guest if the park is full.
  • No violence of any kind will be tolerated and local authorities will be contacted immediately.
  • No public drunkenness of any kind will be tolerated and local authorities will be contacted immediately.
  • No drugs will be tolerated and local authorities will be contacted immediately.
  • No theft will be tolerated and local authorities will be contacted immediately.
  • No vandalism will be tolerated and local authorities will be contacted immediately.
  • No trespassing will be tolerated and local authorities will be contacted immediately.
  • The Town of Valley Center does not allow amplifiers outdoors.
  • Woods Valley doesn’t allow spot lights because it blinds emergency personnel or sheriff’s patrols that occur on a regular basis.
  • Guests must not violate any local, state or federal law while on Woods Valley Kampground premises.

We strive to make sure that each of our guests enjoy a pleasurable stay in the park. We provide clean surroundings and amenities associated with each site. The rules above are to ensure that our small staff has the ability to keep up with simple cleaning and maintenance and doesn’t have to compensate for any inconsiderate behavior by any of our guests. Woods Valley staff expects all of our patrons to maintain common courtesies between each other and towards our staff in the spirit of courtesy and cooperation.

Thank you and please feel free to email or call with any questions,

Marc & Dawn